Our core business is that of Third Party Claims Administration, operating on behalf of insurers in the investigation and settlement of their IT and electronic equipment claims.

Our experience in administering claims on behalf of insurers has resulted in a dramatic reduction in settlement costs for those insurers. This is principally due to the standard of claims personnel employed by IT Claims Services and our ability to negotiate set inspection and labor charges with repairers. We have also established wholesale relationships with manufacturers and their recommended suppliers for the supply of replacement equipment.

  • We do not merely process a claim; we investigate its legitimacy and source the most cost effective and equitable resolution available.
  • We do not blindly accept repair or replacement quotations provided by the client; in most instances we obtain additional quotations from both the original supplier and one alternative supplier.
  • Preferred Suppliers will always be given the opportunity to beat any alternative quotation obtained.

As part of the service we provide to insurers when acting as their Third Party Claims Administrator we actively seek all forms of recovery available by way of salvage, dual insurance and negligent third parties.

Our purpose-built Claims Administration Database can be utilised to provide relevant claim statistics to the insurer. Being able to identify repeated loss scenarios and undesirable exposures is extremely useful in determining any required changes to underwriting guidelines and premium rates.

Our claims consultants liaise with the clients and develop an effective working relationship by displaying empathy and compassion while maintaining a professional attitude toward the settlement of the claim.